Close-up of a hip joint reproduction.

Musculoskeletal Disorders In Canada

In recent years, musculoskeletal disorders have been affecting the quality of life of many people, leading to progressive limitations in daily activities and reducing participation in social life. In Canada alone, musculoskeletal disorders affect 11 million adults (1/3 of the Canadian population) each year. It is also a major cause of individual taking sick leaves from work in developed countries, and are one of the most common reasons for people claiming disability pensions, along with mental health and cardiovascular disorders. They are also the most common reason for physician consultation and constitute, in most countries, up to 10-20% of primary care workloads. As a result, it costs Canadians $37 billion in both direct and indirect healthcare expenditure. Furthermore, the impact of musculoskeletal disorders on individuals and society is expected to increase dramatically within the next decade. This means that a significant population in virtually every community would likely benefit from earlier prevention and better rehabilitation programs.
What is Musculoskeletal Assessment?
Musculoskeletal complaints and rheumatic diseases account for at least 15% to 20% of all visits to a physician. Because these problems are most often evaluated and treated by generalist physicians (internists, family physicians, and paediatricians) and physical therapists, it is essential for primary care providers to acquire an organized approach to the musculoskeletal examination.
LabMotus’s Musculoskeletal Assessment is a three-part vertically integrated curriculum designed to provide clear actionable insights for you:
  • Screening musculoskeletal assessment (SMSE): a rapid assessment of structure and function;
  • General musculoskeletal assessment (GMSE): a comprehensive assessment of joint inflammation and arthritis;
  • Regional musculoskeletal assessment (RMSE): focused assessments of structure and function combined with special testing of shoulder, knee, neck, and low back.
The patient’s history is the essential first step in all musculoskeletal assessment and directs the focus of an appropriate assessment. The musculoskeletal physical assessment is used to confirm or refute assessment hypotheses generated by a thoughtful history. Since the assessment of nearly all musculoskeletal problems depends on the demonstration of objective physical findings, the musculoskeletal assessment has enormous importance. The patient’s chief complaint and the clinical context will direct the initial choice of the screening, general, or regional musculoskeletal assessment.
It’s not just athletes who need better prevention, treatment and recovery.
Although most believe that there is nothing more important than our health, few agree on how to measure it or how to report on it. Good health is something that everyone needs – and almost everyone wants – for themselves and their families, friends, neighbours, and communities. There is much that we have done, individually and collectively, to improve our health. Most of us consider ourselves to be in good or better health most of the time. Rather than just worry about our health or depend too much on modern medicine to “fix” every health problem, there is much we can do to improve our living conditions, improve how we live, and prevent or delay illness and injury. Improving our individual, family, and community health can feel good and be fulfilling; healthy living is not about denying ourselves the pleasures and meaningful activities of life – “all things in moderation, even moderation!”
  • Musculoskeletal Assessment
  • Movement Assessment
  • Individualized Feedback
  • Personalized Prescription
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